Friday, November 23, 2012

finish it up Friday, 11/23/12

Welcome to finish it up Friday! Sorry I'm posting so late today. My life is nuts.

I have a few home finishes to share. They are exciting, but on such a different level than sewing finishes. That being said, I'll take ANY finish at this point.

Yesterday my husband and I replaced the brick work on our front step. Just in the nick of time. I was putting in the final bits of mortar right as the weather turned cold and windy. A mere hour or two before it started raining/snowing. I'm so glad that project is done!
(I took this photo before the mortar even had a chance to dry.) Masonry work isn't my favorite. :P And I'm wondering when I am going to figure out that I should hire out some of this work? I am a slow learner.
Then, after all that fun, we laid a new bathroom floor. Too much work in one day! Today my husband and I are hobbling around like we are 80 years old. Those are two significant projects that were finished in ONE DAY. Man, am I thankful.
I was trying to get my drano quilt back pieced and ready to go for today, but it didn't quite work out. I've got a plan...all I need is an hour to sew it together. Oh, that sounds blissful.

How about you? Have you had time to finish anything this week? Hopefully you've had time to sew. If so, please link up! Happy Friday to you!

finish it up Friday, 11/23/12

1. Wivi  37. Applique Flowers  
2. Marmalade Quilt  38. Zig Zag Mad  
3. Marion @ My Quilt Diet  39. Little Island Quilting  
4. Hand Print Pillows  40. Marian Griffin - Lady Face  
5. Rainbow Pillow Shams  41. Butterflies in winterland - tubakk  
6. String Circles Quilt Top  42. Carla  
7. Katie Z.  43. Chase {1/4"mark}  
8. Val  44. Jean Burke  
9. Megan @ Tales of Ineptitude  45. Alycia Quilts  
10. Jennifer @ The Days Dewings  46. Kathleen@CrabbitQuilter  
11. Michelle's Romantic Tangle  47. Jennifer @ Glinda Quilts  
12. Debbie  48. Caryn @ With Arms Open Wide  
13. Kathy@KayakQuilting  49. Gemini Jen NZ  
14. Lucy @ Charm About You  50. cathy@blueberrypatch  
15. Kerstin@sunset sewing  51. Rachel @ Snippets of Sweetness  
16. syglad  52. selinaquilts  
17. Gunilla  53. QuiltnMama  
18. Cathy Tomm Quilts  54. Amanda @ Fabric Engineer  
19. Wildflower Pincushions  55. Tracey D  
20. Upcycled to Regency Jacket - Karen NZ  56. Jenniffier's Sometimes Creative life  
21. Pingwin Rag Quilt with tutorial  57. Lisa F.  
22. upcycling PJ to boys hourglass quilt  58. Elena Boen  
23. Mom's Quilt  59. Julie @ That's Sew Julie  
24. Minky for Julia  60. Karen K. at Fireball Quilts  
25. Aunt Marti @ 52 Quilts  61. Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts  
26. svetlana@sotakhandmade  62. Quilter Kathy  
27. Geta Grama  63. Karen @ Small Town Quilter  
28. Heather @ Crafting...  64. Kathy @ CarpeLanam  
29. Lynn - The Little Red Hen  65. Becky @ itssewimmaterial  
30. Shanna @ Red Poppy Quilts  66. Ready, Set, Sew by Kelly  
31. Zig Zag  67. sewmuchwithme  
32. Sonia @ Hobble Creek Quilts  68. deborah@LittleMsSew-Unsew  
33. Freddie  69. Quilt Monster in my Closet  
34. Maja  70. Polka dots and Buterflies  
35. Ginny@fishcreekstudio  71. Traveling Stash @ Sewfrench  
36. Sarah C.  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Valspierssews said...

Bricks and mortar sounds a bit adventurous. Why do you call your quilt a drano quilt? I finished my first frame coin purse yesterday. My little pile of Japanese fabrics has been sitting on the sewing table for several weeks while I waited for my purse frames to be delivered. Our Brisbane weather is warming up nicely. I don't think I could live where it snowed!

Anonymous said...

Masonry work!! Wow, you are the "Jill" of all trades!!

Katie Z. said...

Wow! Beautiful (and HARD) work! I certainly hope you get an hour to sew today!

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Well done you! Not sure I would have tried either of those jobs! Happy sewing now :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You two are amazing. I wouldn't even attempt either of those jobs. Well maybe I would have when I was young like you.

Kerstin said...

Great job, I can't believe you did that in only a day! I lost track, but I hope this is in your new place and not the old one...

Sonia B said...

That back looks like some awesomeness in the making. Good job on your house projects.

Maja said...

We been working on our house since
May. I don´t envy you!
Take care!

Laura said...

I'm very impressed with your home improvement projects! Wish I had the nerve to attempt something with my bathroom floor.

Chase said...

Home improvement is my weakness! I try to not {see} things that have been broken. I total admire your home improvement projects. This week I have few finish up, but I share a little zippered pouch today.
Happy Holiday~

Mama Pea said...

those are good finishes! Well done! It's so much work! I am sure you are really sore. Get some good rest tonight!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Well, I did get 3 quilts basted! And that included making a back. Thank goodness for a visiting MIL desperate to play with the kiddos!

Michele said...

I haven't any finishes to share but I do have some advice. Next time you are going to do work like that, take to Aleve first. It really helps keep those aches and pains less severe.

Pieced Brain Quilt Designs said...

You were busy! I did manage to set up the Christmas tree and decorate the house... and the boys helped, too. Now, that was an accomplishment! :-)

Anonymous said...

You never mentioned whether you finished up the prime rib...?

Love Of Quilts said...

IT IS A LOT OF WORK TO SELL A HOUSE. Hope You All Had a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

Dawn W said...

You are amazing! Mortar and quilts. :)

I don't know if you have time to answer a question in your busy life, but I seem to recall that you had photo storage problems on Blogger a while back. I am running into this same issue. How did you resolve this? I currently can't upload any of my photos to my family blog because my quota is full. iliketoquilt at hotmail dot com

dhanalakshmi said...

Well done you put your big effort in that work.